Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 12/31/24

Year: 2024


The main purpose of our journal; The aim of this course is to provide a common, scientific platform in which the social sciences evaluate the knowledge and knowledge, findings and opinions, methods and approaches of the scientists who work in economics, business and related fields and share their opinions and suggestions. In this way; It aims to contribute to national and international studies in all fields of social sciences.

Our journal, social sciences; The program covers the studies of domestic and foreign researchers in economics, business and related fields such as finance, law, political science, international relations, public administration, social policy and labor relations, behavioral sciences. In addition to theoretical and analytical original works, book reviews are also included in the journal. The articles published in the journal are first passed through plagiarism screening (provided that turnitin and iThenticate screening results are at most 20%) and are taken into evaluation.

The publication language of the journal is Turkish-English-German-French-Russian and the publication is accepted to the evaluation provided that it is prepared in accordance with the spelling rules in other languages.

Writing Rules

Econder International Academic Journal [Econder] Writing Rules [ISSN: 2602-3806]

The material submitted for publication may not be previously published or accepted for publication by another publisher.

1. Title of the Article: The title should suit the content and express, and should be written in bold letters. in 12 Punto Palatino Linotype each word.

2. Author Name and Institution Information: Author name and institution information should not be written as they will go to the study referees who will be installed on the system. The article must be typed exactly as it appears in the Name, Surname, Organization Information (TR & ENG), email and Orcid ID before receiving the final approval.

3. Abstract: The article should include an abstract in Turkish at the beginning. The abstract should explain the topic clearly and concisely in a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 150 words. The abstract should not include references to sources, figures and charts. 

4. Keywords:  Keywords of 5 to 8 words should be placed at the end of the abstract. Each word of the keywords must be written in Capital letters and a comma must be used between them.

5. Body Text: The texts sent, pictures, maps etc. should not exceed 35 journal pages (8,000 words), including the attachments. Written letters should be written in A4 size with white space at the top, bottom, right 4 cm and 5 cm from the left side with "at least 12nk" line spacing, two sides, without line hyphenation and 10 points "Palatino Linotype" font. (For detailed and visual information, the "journal page layout example" should be looked at on the layout page.) However, the submitted tables, figures, pictures, graphics and the like should not exceed 12x17 cm in order for the magazine not to go beyond the page dimensions and to be easier to use. For this reason, tables, figures, pictures, graphics and so on. smaller points and single spacing can be used in the elements. The "APA" system will be used for footnotes and references.

6 Section Titles: In the article, main, intermediate and subtitles can be used in order to provide compatibility with the content. These headings should be written in Capitalized Word.

6. Tables and Figures: Tables should have numbers and captions. The tables, figures, pictures, graphics and the like sent to the journal must not exceed 12x17 cm in order for the magazine not to go beyond the page dimensions and to be used more easily. For this reason, tables, figures, pictures, graphics and so on. smaller points and single spacing can be used in the elements.

7. Pictures: Pictures should be attached to the articles scanned in high-resolution print quality. The same rules for figures and tables apply in naming pictures.

The number of pages for figures, tables and pictures should not exceed 10 pages (one-third of the article). Authors having the necessary technical equipment and software may themselves insert their figures, drawings and pictures into the text provided these are ready for printing.

8. Quotations and Citations: Direct quotations should be placed in quotation marks. Quotations shorter than 3 lines should be placed within the flowing text. If the quotation is longer that 3 lines, it should be turned into a block quote with a 1.5 cm indentation on the right and left, and the font size should be 9 punto. Footnotes and endnotes should be avoided as much as possible. They should only be used for essential explanations and should be numbered (Office Word) automatically.

You can look for more information on Quotations and Resources. http://www.tk.org.tr/APA/apa_2.pdf

“Econder International Academic Journal” is a refereed journal published in accordance with the ethical principles and rules stated below in order to publish qualified scientific articles on economics, business and these fields. Below are the ethical responsibilities, roles and duties of the authors, journal editor, referees and publisher. In addition, Econder International Academic Journal also provided information on situations considered as plagiarism and unethical behavior.
• Articles submitted to Econder International Academic Journal should be original studies on economics, business and these fields.
• All sources used in the articles (authors, online pages, personal interviews, etc.) should be cited accurately and appropriately.
• It should be stated that the articles sent to the journal are not sent to another journal and the Copyright Transfer Form (when uploading the article) should be filled in.
• Persons who do not contribute to the article intellectually should not be indicated as authors.
• Conflicts of interest regarding the submitted article should be stated and the reason should be explained.
• Authors may be asked to submit raw data regarding their work to the editorial board while in the referee process, in this case, authors are expected to share their raw data with the editorial board. Authors are obliged to keep data pertaining to a published article for 5 years.
• When authors detect an error in their work, they should inform the editor and the editorial board and cooperate with the revision or withdrawal process.
All articles submitted to the Econder International Academic Journal are evaluated by a double-blind peer-review process. Double-blind refereeing means keeping the authors confidential from the referees and the referees from the authors in order to ensure a neutral, objective and independent evaluation process. Articles are forwarded to referees through the journal management system for evaluation. The referees are required to fill in a form that includes the contribution of the article they have evaluated in Economics, Business and these fields, and their decisions on whether the article can be published or not and the reasons for these decisions. The ethical responsibilities and roles of Econder International Academic Journal referees are as follows:
• Referees are only required to referee articles related to their area of expertise.
• Referees are expected to agree to referee articles that do not have conflicts of interest. When referees notice any conflict of interest, they must inform the editor and refuse to referee the relevant article.
• Referees should evaluate the articles objectively and objectively.
• Referees are required to fill in the Referee Evaluation Form regarding the articles they have evaluated, and they are expected not to indicate their names on the forms in order not to harm the double-blind refereeing process. The referees are required to indicate in this form their decision on whether the article they have evaluated can be published or not, and the reasons for their decision.
• The style used by the referees in their suggestions should be polite, respectful and scientific. Referees should avoid offensive, disrespectful and subjective personal comments. When it is determined that the referees made such unscientific comments, they can be contacted by the editor or editorial board to review and correct their comments.
• Referees are required to complete their evaluations within the time given to them and are expected to comply with the ethical responsibilities stated herein.
COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (https://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors_Mar11.pdf) and 'COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (https://publicationethics.org/files/u2/) Best_Practice.pdf)) and listed below.
Editor is responsible for all articles published in the journal. The ethical duties and responsibilities of the editor are as follows:
General Responsibilities
• Editor is obliged to make an effort to increase the quality of the journal and to contribute to its development.
• The editor must support the authors' freedom of expression.
Relations with Readers
• The editor should make sure that the sections in the journal where peer review is not required (letters to the editor, invited articles, conference announcements, etc.) are clearly stated.
• The editor should make an effort to ensure that the published articles are compatible with the knowledge and skills of the journal readers.
Relations with Referees
• The editor should ask the referees to evaluate the articles appropriate to their knowledge and expertise. Thus, the articles should be properly evaluated by experts in their field.
• Editor is obliged to request the referees to state that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the article before evaluating an article.
• The editor is required to convey to the referees all the necessary information about the referee evaluation process and what is expected from the referees.
• The editor should make sure that the peer review process continues with double-blind peer review and should not disclose the reviewers to the authors and the authors to the referees.
• The editor should evaluate the referees according to their timing and performance.
• Editor should create a database of referees and update the database according to the referees' performance.
• The editor must remove referees who make rude and unqualified comments or who return late.
• Editor should continuously renew and expand the list of referees according to the expertise of the referees.
Relations with Authors
• The editor should constantly update the publication and writing rules and sample template regarding what is expected of them.
• Editor should evaluate the articles submitted to the journal in terms of journal writing rules, importance and originality of the study, and if she decides to reject the article during the first submission process, she should inform the authors the reason for this in a clear and unbiased manner. In this process, if it is decided that the article should be revised in terms of grammar, punctuation and / or spelling rules (margins, proper reference, etc.), authors should be informed about this issue and they should be given time to make the necessary corrections.
• Articles should include submission and publication acceptance dates.
• When there is a request for information about the status of the articles of the authors, the authors should be informed about the status of their articles in a way that will not disrupt the double-blind review process.
Relations with the Editorial Board
• The editor should communicate the rules of publication and spelling to the new editorial board members and explain what is expected of them.
• The editor should inform the editorial board members with the most up-to-date version of the rules of publication and writing.
• The editor should evaluate the editorial board members and select the members who will actively participate in the development of the journal to the editorial board.
• The editor should inform the editorial board members about their roles and responsibilities below.
- To support the development of the journal
- Writing reviews on their area of expertise when asked to do so
- Reviewing and improving publication and spelling rules
- Fulfilling the necessary responsibilities in the operation of the magazine
Econder International Academic Journal Magazine is published by dergipark. The publisher's ethical responsibilities are as follows:
• The publisher acknowledges that the decision maker and the refereeing process are the editor's responsibility during the article publishing process in the Econder International Academic Journal.
• The publisher provides open, electronic and free access to the journal on the journal's web page.
Plagiarism and Unethical Behavior
All articles sent to the Econder International Academic Journal Journal are scanned with IThenticate (http://www.ithenticate.com/) or Turnitin (https://www.turnitin.com/) software program before printing. Articles with a similarity rate of 20% or less are accepted for publication. Articles exceeding this rate are examined in detail and, if necessary, sent back to the authors for review or correction, and if plagiarism or unethical behavior is detected, they are refused to be published.
Some unethical behaviors are listed below:
• Identifying people who do not contribute intellectually to the study as authors.
• Not citing intellectual contributors to the study as authors.
• If the article is produced from the author's master / doctorate thesis or a project, this is not stated.
• Slicing, ie publishing more than one article from a single study.
• Conflicts of interest regarding submitted articles are not reported.
• Deciphering the double blind arbitration process.
Contact: www. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/econder

This journal; It provides open access by adopting the principle that providing scientific research to humanity free of charge will increase the global sharing of knowledge.

Econder International Academic Journal is  an international, peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing scholarly articles on all aspects of Economy and Business. Available online and published two times a year, the journal aims to become one of the leading platforms in the world for new findings and discussions of all fields of Economy and Business.

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